Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Links to Love

This week was extremely long. I don't think I've had this long of a week in a few months, at least. I don't know if it was the fact that I was away all weekend, or if work is just super busy, but I've felt like every day was 100 hours long.

I realize I only posted twice this week, basically because Wednesday night I was too tired to write a post for Thursday, even though I had one on my schedule.

I don't remember if I mentioned this, but I'm probably going to cut down on blog posts for a little while. I haven't been truly inspired so I don't want to just write for the sake of producing content. I really want to take Royally Pink to the next level (I know I keep saying that), so I want to make sure I'm producing good content, and I feel like right now, posting about 3 times a week fits my schedule.

I usually write on Sundays and writing 4-5 posts in only a few hours, taking good photos, and playing in Photoshop is a lot.. not to mention actually trying to do things on the weekend.


Next week is going to be a busy one! I'm heading down to Pennsylvania for work on Thursday, coming home on Saturday morning, and then heading to a New York Mets game that afternoon. I *might* go to a bar Sunday afternoon for my friend's birthday, so if I do, it will for sure be another tiring weekend. I'm excited to rest up this weekend though, run some errands, and get some hardcore writing done.

I was so happy to get out of New York last weekend (I went to Boston if you didn't know) and now I have that adventure, travel bug inside me. Maybe I'll actually start living a life I want now ...

Ok ok enough babbling about nonsense -- here are some links I loved this week:

Harry Potter always gets me right in the feels


Pancakes as dumplings? Hmm.. I'm intrigued

Beauty products for post work-out -- these are hands down my favorite types of beauty posts

Carly from The College Prepster was on Career Contessa yesterday and my girl crush on her has been reignited 

TV finales are always the saddest, and always make me cry

Anxious? Laid Back? Yup, sounds accurate

Have a great weekend everyone!!