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Showing posts from December, 2016

Yearly (Weekly) Wrap Up 2016

It's New Years Eve and I've never been more excited to say goodbye to a year. This year was filled with lots of trials & tribulations, both personally and in society. I lost my dad, moved into a new apartment, dealt with some friendship & family issues, struggled at work, dealt with my anxiety, and jus…

Favorite Beauty Products of 2016

We've discussed books , accessories , and now we are onto beauty. Beauty is my number one love, and I think 2016 was the year that beauty really exploded; 2014 & 2015 were warm ups and this year, the beauty industry took it's rightful place as a booming industry. Working in the industry is very exciting be…

Recipe Wednesday: Chicken Alfredo Bake

DISCLAIMER: This was a post I found in my queue from TWO YEARS AGO. I searched the blog and never found it, so therefore I don't think it was ever posted. PPS: This was SO FREAKING GOOD and now I want to make it again! ******** I don't cook nearly as much as I want too. I always see recipes and have such a des…

Favorite Accessories of 2016

Yesterday was filled with all my favorite books of the year. Books are one of my favorite things in the world, and I explained that in yesterday's post. Today, I want to discuss my other favorite items: accessories. I have always and will always be the girl who loves accessories. When I was little, whenever I'…

Favorite Books of 2016

I think this was the year of books for me. I mean, every year is a year of books because I'm obsessed with reading and always have been. Ever since I could remember, I loved book stores and cracking open a new book and getting lost in it. Books are my life and it lead to my love of writing. Starting around when I …

Manicure Monday: OPI Breakfast at Tiffany's

I hope you all had a great holiday weekend with your loved ones! I'm so sad to see Christmas go, but excited for a fresh start in 2017. I'm off from work the entire week so I'm planning on doing lots of writing, lounging, and watching Netflix! Now, for a different kind of Manicure Monday.... I've been …

Christmas in Season

There hasn't been much Christmas talk on the blog this season, expect for the Christmas decor post . That wasn't intentional and it wasn't because I'm not in the Christmas spirit, because I definitely am! It's been nonstop Christmas movies, treats, sitting around the tree, and just soaking in it. R…

Beauty in Review: DryBar Hot Tools

The love affair with Drybar is still going as strong as ever but it came to an all time high in mid November when I purchased the Drybar Tress Press Digital Styling Iron & the 3-Day Bender Curling Iron. I have very thick, unruly, frizzy and coarse hair. My mom & sister have the same exact hair, so when you hav…

POPSUGAR Must Have December 2016

This box was sent to me in exchange for review but all opinions are my own For me, it was the year of POPSUGAR Must Have and I'm so happy to have received this box again. Thank you to POPSUGAR for always partnering with me -- one of the reasons that I love this company so much. In the New Year, I will for sure be…

Weekly Wrap Up

We're 8 days away from Christmas Eve and I couldn't be more excited. I'll be sad to see the season be over but happy to say goodbye to 2016! Right now I'm writing this from a hotel room in Pennsylvania because I'm at QVC for another work trip! BTW; I started my job's first blog so please go ch…

Book Review Wednesday: What She Knew

This was one of the last thriller books I read before taking my plunge back into the celebrity memoirs. It was a really good book for a send off out of this phase; I really enjoyed the entire plot, the narrator and everything about it. "What She Knew" is a thriller by Gilly Macmillan that was released last D…

Brand Buzz: Henri Bendel

Brand Buzz is usually a series reserved for my favorite beauty brands but this time, I felt the need to talk about an accessories brand that I've grown to love over the past few months. Henri Bendel is a very old brand; it was started in 1895 and since then has been a leading retailer for the best items around. Th…

Manicure Monday: Pre-Christmas

When we enter December, I put away my warm color nail polishes and go for something a little cool, like a white, silver, or classic red. I haven't purchased any nail polish recently because nothing has been speaking to me. I've been having some trouble figuring out what kind of nail color I want when it's …

Design Diaries: Christmas Decor

I've always adored Christmas, I mean, which kid doesn't? As I got older and Christmas started feeling less like Christmas, the presents under the tree were smaller and more expensive, and the climate changed (It was 70 degrees on Christmas Eve last year!!! GTFO), it started feeling less and less like Christmas…