Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Showing posts from June, 2020

Monthly Muse: June 2020 Favorites

When I think about it, it feels like June was an incredibly fast month but in reality, I feel like it was slow -- like I cannot even remember the beginning of June. I think this was one of the hardest months I've had in a while: family issues, the ending of quarantine, the protests and unrest across the nation. I&…

Manicure Monday: Essie Sunny Business Collection + Beachy Keen

Every season I go through my nail polish collection to throw out old and expired colors. This Spring, after I did the declutter, I felt like I was in need of a lot of spring & summer colors, but I wasn't impressed by any of the new collections... that is until I saw the Essie Summer Collection. Wow, I am in lo…

Royal Roundup, Vol 3: Week 26

I guess my new day for this post to go up is Sunday. This week was pretty intense on so many levels. There were multiple family emergencies, a few hospital trips, some doctor visits of my own, and just a weird work week in general. I finally feel a little normal and it's Sunday at 2 PM... like what? I cleaned my r…

Book Review Wednesday: The Guest List by Lucy Foley

During quarantine, I resigned up for Book of the Month club because I had been reading a lot and wanted to hold an actual book. I also love the fact that Book of the Month has pre-releases so sometimes I can get books before they are released. I think this is exactly the case with The Guest List by Lucy Foley . When I…

My Favorite Quarantine Purchases

At the beginning of the year, I vowed to make 2020 my no-buy year. That has been an epic fail. I survived the first two months and then life went to complete shit. My boyfriend dumped me, Coronavirus took over the world, and we are experiencing what can only be known as the next civil rights movement. The world basica…

Beauty Anti Haul Vol 1: June 2020

Since being in quarantine my spending on beauty products has drastically increased. I haven't purchased much if any makeup and have been focusing on skincare and haircare. That being said, I haven't even purchased much in those categories either and when I do, I'm being selective.  Right before quarantine,…

Royal Round Up, Vol 3: Week 25

Happy Saturday! I have a nice, long weekend ahead of me -- I was off yesterday and off on Monday so I'm in a great mood. I have so many things to get done, like mail a ton of packages, clean my room, blog, write an article, and do some other behind the scenes work.  I've been feeling so motivated and flowing w…

Book Review Wednesday: Collective Book Review, Vol 2

I have been on reading kick lately. I set a goal to read 40 books this year and I have already read 30.... we still have 6 more months to go! As I mentioned in my last collective book haul. I wanted to group a bunch of books together to get reviews done a little faster and because some I don't feel need a dedicate…

My Current Hair-Care Routine | June 2020

Somewhere in the middle of quarantine, my hair started to change. I don't know if it was because I was stuck inside (is that even a thing?) or something else but my goodness, my hair was annoying the crap out of me.  It was very dry, brittle, and tangly but at the same time, it was also getting greasy. It didn'…

Royal Round Up, Vol 3: Week 24

Well, I think everyone is over COVID and it's starting to show. People are just not wearing masks, going out everywhere and I just don't understand why no one is being cautious. New York City went into Phase 1 this week, Long Island entered Phase 2 and opened outdoor dining so everyone on my Instagram is wildi…

Black Owned Beauty Brands I Love

I made a commitment a few weeks ago that I was going to be more mindful of the content I am producing here on the blog. I don't get a ton of brand deals so I can't give back in that way. However, I do shop a lot so focusing on putting my money in good places can be how I help.  When I looked at my beauty colle…

Manicure Monday: Ella + Mila At Home Manicure feature Dulce Amor

I know it may seem insensitive to start posting regularly again but in my mind, social media is just the first step in advocating for change. I promise to diversify my content, share more meaningful organizations and businesses owned and operated by Black people and POC. Just because I'm posting normal content doe…

A Stream of Consciousness on the World | Petitions to Sign, Places to Donate

I have no words for what this week has brought. I have cried, grieved, processed, and thought long and hard about the world, about racism, and how I can be a better person and a better ally. I have always considered myself to be blatantly non-racist and anti-racist. I call out any person, friend or family when they ar…

Monthly Muse: May 2020 Favorites

I think May was even faster than April and now we're getting into the full swing of summer. The virus is still wreaking havoc on New York but the numbers are much better. Parts of the state have already opened and new areas are opening every day. Long Island is set to open this week if it hasn't already, and I…