Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Here Comes Sandy...

If you're on the East Coast, you are surely preparing for the apocalypse aka Hurricane Sandy. For days the media has been building up Sandy creating sheer panic across the states.

Here in New York, the rain hasn't started yet but school has been cancelled for today AND tomorrow. My hometown is near a beach town and people are posting pictures of the flooding and the huge waves. It's rather scary.

Here in New Rochelle, there's some wind but nothing drastic but me and my roommates are still prepared; we bought candles, flashlights, junk food, and duct taped our windows up.

But, with two days to completely relax, we're bound to get a little bored so here's some tips to stay busy while held up inside and take advantage of Sandy.

1. Catch up on your TV shows

The weekdays are super busy in my neck of the woods so I rarely get time to sit down and watch television anymore. I'm taking full advantage of today and catching up on Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries, and whatever else my heart desires.

2. Do those Pinterest crafts you've been waiting for

We all have a board on pinterest full of fun crafts and DIY projects that we never have a chance to do. Take some materials from around the house and get crafting! You finally have the time.

3. Finish that book that is sitting on your night stand.

I've been reading Prep for months now and feel like I'm nowhere near finished. I just don't have the time to read nowadays so these next two days are perfect for finishing whatever book you have in your hand. This is the perfect activity if the power goes out so get ready!

4. Online Shop

If your bank account can handle it, treat yourself to those new winter boots or that cute wallet you've been eyeing. I am broke therefore I'll be window online shopping all day, especially with the new Maybooks and MayNotes designs.

5. Catch up on homework and busywork

If you've been running behind on applying to internships or writing that paper that is due next week, this is the perfect chance to do so. Make a to-do list and set aside a portion of the relaxing day to be productive!

For all of those who needed a break from school and regular life, Sandy is the perfect chance so thank you mother nature, just please be kind to us! Everyone stay safe!