Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Showing posts from January, 2013

Spring Has Sprung With Lilly Pulitzer

I have a love for Lilly Pulitzer. My sorority sisters and friends make fun of me for it because everything in my bag is Lilly : my notebooks, planners, phone cases, my binder covers..everything. I just love it and I can't explain why. That being said, I don't own any Lilly clothes, just accessories and I'm…

Leadership Conference

Okay, so I am now back on New York soil and I've never had more of a bittersweet feeling. I spent the weekend in Washington DC with my incredible executive board and the lovely sisters of Phi Sigma Sigma. I can honestly say that I am a changed person because of this weekend. I have never and will never experience …

Stay Motivated and Keep Moving

It's two weeks into the semester and I am completely swamped. I've been trying to get the hang of my new schedule but it's always tough this time of the year. It's been freezing in NYC the past few days and trying to find the motivation to do anything is rough. Yesterday I left my room twice--once to e…

Tuesday Inspiration

I've been stressing out lately, especially yesterday. With getting settled in at school, getting back into the swing of things and adjusting to a new schedule, I've been feeling very out of it. I beat myself up way too much and try to do so many things throughout the day which really takes a toll on me.  I cou…

January Birchbox

Usually I am so excited for my Birchbox to arrive but this month, when I took a sneak peek at my items before the box arrived, I was a bit disappointed. There's usually at least one product that wows me but this month, it kind of fell short. 1. Lumiere d'hiver Clarfying Shampoo I'm pretty sure either in N…

Sunday Spotlight {University Chic}

This week's spotlight goes to UniversityChic.com , a wonderful website where myself along with other incredible young women blog about all sorts of subjects. I love how this is a website dedicated completely to everything a young college woman needs to know. Don't know how to handle roommate drama? Need help w…

Beauty Benefit

I've been wanting to get more into make-up for a while now; I have my usual routine but I wanted to take some products out and add some new ones. I never spend money on make-up, I never saw the point. Why buy a $30 mascara when you could buy one just as good for $10? I never saw the difference. I received a $50 gi…

New Year Cheer for Lilly

At the beginning of the month, my Lilly loving ears perked up at the buzz of the New Year Cheer Lilly Pulitzer sale. My mouth salivated at all the great deals and my bank account cried as I typed in the numbers needed to satisfy my Lilly craving. I only ordered one item (self control, people, self control) and I am si…

Staying Organized & Positive in the New Semester

I feel like I've been talking a lot about being organized but with this new semester coming up, it's a struggle. I've been back at school for not even two days and I'm already in over my head. Between unpacking, my first shift of work, meetings, and sorority events, I am swimming in chaos. Classes have…

Sunday Spotlight: Intern Queen

I know I said that I was going to do a Saturday Spotlight but yesterday was crazy trying to get ready for school so here is my Sunday Spotlight! A few months ago, I discovered Lauren Berger, the Intern Queen . As an aspiring journalist and a person in desperate need and want of an internship, I was intrigued by Lauren…

Online vs. Paper Planners

I am an organizational freak. With me, everything is made into a list, everything needs to be in it's place--my life is better that way. I'm especially crazy when it comes to organizing for school and knowing when everything is due, when I have work and meetings. I write everything down and I mean everything. …

Not a Stereotypical Sorority

I've mentioned before about how my sorority has changed my life and how much I love it. I've also talked about the incredible start up Levo League that is there to help young women connect with others and give the best career advice around! Those two loves of mine have mixed together in the form of Levo Leagu…


I've always been fascinated by things that inspire me; inspiration can be found in the oddest of places and certain quotes and words have always struck a chord with me. One of those words happens to be Serendipity.  Serendipity is such a lovely word with a great meaning: A happy accident. I love the idea of serend…

The Best Tote Bags

I am the bag queen. Ever since I remember, I loved bags. When I was five years old, I had everything in my little girl's handbag. I can't think of a time where I didn't own a bag...I never leave the house without a bag and on the rare occasion that I do, I feel completely naked. If you put me in the handba…

Career Inspiration

It's no secret that I'm a passionate person. I throw myself fully into everything that I set my mind too: my sorority, my internships/positions, this blog...I love everything I do. I am passionate about having a career in the world of journalism. Ever since I could remember, reading and writing were the only t…