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Showing posts from June, 2013

Spotlight Saturday: HireStyle

No matter what season it is, I always seem to have a million parties to go too; it could be family parties, graduation parties, fancy birthdays, or a sorority formal. I find myself spending hundreds of dollars on fancy dresses to wear because you can't wear the same thing twice, with the same group of people. The …

Battle of the BB Creams

It's officially summer and the heat has turned all the way up. When it's scorching outside, the last thing I want to do is cake heavy makeup onto my face. I hardly wear foundation but even putting liquid or powder bronzer feels like a lot. That's why the invention of BB Creams is so wonderful! One package …

Book Review: Lean In

If you have paid any attention to the news over the past few months, you probably heard about Sheryl Sandberg's groundbreaking book, " Lean In". It's basically a career book for women, by women, all about women. At first, when I heard about it, the media was making it sound negative. The women on The…

Tuesday Inspiration

I don't think I posted this quote yet but even if I did, it deserves to be seen many times. I saw this image on Pinterest and immediately fell in love with the quote. Ms. Tina Fey is pretty incredible in more ways than one and she is so inspirational, even if she is the queen of comedy. I think saying yes to thing…

Life Update

This week, I've kind of been MIA and I have a great reason for that! This summer, I didn't really have anything planned. I didn't have an internship, I barely had a summer job, and I was really just counting down the months, weeks, days, and minutes till I returned to New Rochelle for my senior year. That …

First Day of Summer

Well I've been on summer vacation for a little more than a month now but today, June 21st, marks the first day of summer. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year but it's exciting that summer has officially arrived. I, though, feel like summer is near over since I go back to school in the beginning …

Thursday Inspiration

A lot has been going on in my life the past week, which I will surely be updating you on once I get myself together. So many new and exciting things have been happening and this quote can pretty much sum it up.  I'm naturally a little fearful and a bit stressed but remembering that courage is all you need is a gre…

Ipsy June Glam Bag Review

It's that time of the month again! My Ipsy Glam Bag arrived in the mail last week and I had been so anxious to receive this bag. I took a sneak peek the minute the website let me and I was so happy! I am obsessed with the fact that this month's bag was a wild, leopard print. I don't know if it's my Qu…

5 Everyday Things

I've been at a lost for inspiration lately; getting into my summer routine has been rough, mostly because I am missing my college campus way more than I should.  Because of this lack of inspiration, I've been thinking of ways to get out and improve my thought process. I came to the conclusion that I need to st…

Book Review: Girls In White Dresses

Summer, to me, is the season of reading. I have a lot of free time on my hands and I use that to read all the books that have been rotting away on my shelf, my Nook, or iPad.  I love finding new books to read, to already add to my long list of wants. I love picking other people's brains to see what they're rea…

Manicure Monday

I am not a huge lover of summer because I really dislike the heat; the one saving grace of the warm summer months is the colorful nail polish trends that come into play. I love the bright pinks and neon blues that are fully appropriate to wear. I've been taking full advantage of this and enjoying every second. Thi…

DIY Lilly Monogram

Since joining Phi Sigma Sigma (almost) two years ago I have become quite the crafter; between making a paddle for my big or crafting hardcore for my little, I've learned my way around a bottle of Mod Podge and Michaels Craft Store. I'm still not the most artistic sister in the chapter but I sometimes get the s…

Spotlight Saturday: Levo League

As a young college woman, a year away from embarking on the real world, I'm a few weeks away from a panic attack about the future. There is so much to consider when thinking about graduating college and finding a job that you love. There is a resource that has inspired me and kept me calm since I started junior ye…

Residence Hall Linens: Furnish Your Dorm Room

This is a sponsored post Even though summer just started, there are millions of teenagers across the country that are mentally, physically, and emotionally preparing to take a giant leap and start a new chapter in their life. Those kids are getting ready to head off to their freshmen year of college. If you're lik…

Favorite TV Characters

Ever since I was a little girl, I was in love with television. My parents and family members have told me countless stories about how I would sit in front of the TV for hours upon hours, staring aimlessly at the square box. I was almost late to school a handful of times because I couldn't stand the thought of bein…