Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Spotlight Saturday: Levo League

As a young college woman, a year away from embarking on the real world, I'm a few weeks away from a panic attack about the future. There is so much to consider when thinking about graduating college and finding a job that you love.

There is a resource that has inspired me and kept me calm since I started junior year. Levo League is an incredible outlet that speaks to women everywhere whether it's about career, lifestyle, or the news. I've spoken about them before but recently, I've been obsessed. 

The Levo team works really hard to give users the greatest experience and most useful information available. They put great twists on certain issues to point it back to helping younger women, whether it's figuring out why we love Cinderella or how the color pink can be used in the work area. Levo makes every day situations into insightful life lessons which is my favorite part about it.

Levo League truly cares about the well being of their users and young people every where. You could just tell from everything that they do, whether it's a LocalLevo event or their incredible, inspirational office hours.

Levo recently launched their mentorship program where users can ask big executives, including former Cosmo editor, Kate White and Sheryl Sandberg, questions about anything from the job search to entrepreneurship. It's incredible useful and a resource that sets Levo apart from other networks that might seem similar.

Levo League gives off such a positive energy; on their Instagram and Twitter accounts, I just want to jump into their office and pick the incredible team's brains. 

I have a few favorite articles that I re-read frequently because they keep me so inspired:

I feel that Levo League has completely redefined the work place. There is so much advice and so many different resources on the site that I just don't know what I would do without it. How did people survive before Levo League? How did they know what was right, wrong, and what you definitely should do when entering the work force. I know that when I graduate next year I will be fully prepared for anything that comes my way because Levo League taught me well. 

If you haven't made an account, I advise you to do so now, you will not regret it!