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Happy Birthday Prince George!

Do you remember where you were a year ago? I do. 

I was in Manhattan, sitting in a Starbucks, awaiting my day at interning. As I was sitting down, enjoying my Skinny Vanilla Latte and blueberry scone, the news broke that Kate Middleton was in labor. Actually, it had broken hours before, in the middle of the night but I was just seeing it plastered across every news and social media outlet.

I tried SO hard to not be giddy as a school girl that the little prince or princess would be born that day! HOW EXCITING! I had been awaiting this birth as if it were my own child because my obsession with the Royal Family is sick and it was finally here.

Fun fact: That night, I had a dream that Kate Middleton went into labor. HOW SCARY AND FREAKY?!

That day at interning, the Levo office was completely buzzing. Most of the conversation that day was occupied with guesses of the gender, name, and everything having to do with that precious future king or queen. 

While I did my best to concentrate and get all my work done (I did because I'm a good intern), I had the "Royal Baby Watch" on mute aka CNN.com. I was also compulsively checking social media to see when the baby news was revealed.

I was indeed, the first person at least on my timeline to break the news that Prince George had arrived. Someone tweeted "IT'S A BOY" and I lost my shit. I really wanted a girl because hey, Kate Middleton dressing up a baby girl has to be the cutest thing ever but also, she would've been Queen. 

There was a law in England that said only the first born boy would be heir to the throne, even if he had an older sister. This law was overturned right before Kate gave birth that way no matter the gender, that baby would rule the United Kingdom. 

I was super happy all day and when I got home from interning, I continued to watch every aspect of coverage. I also spent the whole next day watching the hospital door for a peek at Prince George and his parents. 

The first glimpse of baby George was spectacular. It was historical. It made me cry. This was the future King of England we saw, just a day after he was born.

It doesn't get more bone chilling than that.

It was especially emotional for people like my mom and aunt who had watched Prince William be born the way I was watching Prince George. It was insane.

The Prince's latest official portrait 
For the next year, Prince George fever did not die down. Every time a new picture of him was released to the public, people went insane. I loved getting glimpses of him every few months and with every photo, he got cuter and cuter.

Shit hit the fan in April when baby George went on his first Royal Tour and we got a hefty amount of photos, from playing with mum's hair to throwing toys on the ground and making a fuss when at the zoo. We got a real look at what kind of child George is and even though he's the future King, he's just a baby.

He's a mighty cute baby as well, with cheeks so squeezable and stylish clothes, along with the most famous parents in the world. George has got it made.

Today Prince George turns ONE and I wanted to commemorate in the only way I knew how. Also, I mean...have you looked at my blog's name? It's only right that I honor a true ROYAL on Royally Pink!

Here are my favorite Prince George moments from the past year!!!

The first day we got to see the little prince! But the way Kate looks at Will >>>
One of the few official photos-HOW CUTE IS HE?
George's first Royal Tour and he's not impressed
Snuggles with mummy Middleton

Happy 1st birthday Prince George!! The world celebrates with you :) 

PS: Take a look at all my other posts about the Royals :)