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Showing posts from October, 2014

Links to Love

I have never been so happy to see Friday. I can't even begin to tell you how EXCITED I am that it's the weekend.  Do I have exciting plans? No. Am I going out for Halloween? No.  My plans are to not move from my couch starting right now till Sunday night. After the exciting, fun October I had, I am in desperat…

Monthly Muse: October 2014 Favorites

Tomorrow is Halloween. It feels like October went really fast but when I think about it, it really hasn't October was such a fun month for me, so much better than September. I was happier this month, things went my way, and I just had the best time. It's always great when I have days, weeks, and months like th…

Pumpkin Muffins + Other Recipes

When I went to my college's homecoming two weeks ago, some of my sorority sisters were kind of enough to let me stay with them. In return, I brought them alcohol and muffins--what more could a college student want? I had bought a box of Pillsbury Pumpkin Quick Bread a few weeks ago and it was burning a hole in my…

Beauty in Review: Real Chemistry Luminous 3 Minute Peel

I'm going through an intense skincare obsession. I have been obsessed with trying new products and trying to get my face back to it's normal self. Seriously, maybe it IS because I've been trying new products but I mean, I don't have sensitive skin but who knows. I really enjoy skincare products because…

Manicure Monday Halloween Edition

When I was younger, Halloween was my favorite holiday. I loved dressing up, going to parties, and watching Halloween movies all month long.  I used to really get into the spirit but as I got older, I kind of lost it, mostly because Halloween became a day to dress up like a slut and get drunk beyond words but nonethele…

Links to Love + Homecoming 2014 Recap

Happy Friday! I cannot believe it's already Friday. I feel like this week flew by, did anyone else? Maybe it's because I had the best weekend last week--the best one I've had in a while.  If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you might've seen that I returned to my alma mater for Homecoming weekend.…

October 2014 Birchbox Review

Yup..you heard right. Birchbox is back in my life and I couldn't be happier about it. My poor college student bank account couldn't afford the tiny $10 a month price tag but now, I see this as a special treat to myself once a month. I've been trying to curb my spending and a lot of the time, most of my mo…

Skin Inc Facial Event Sephora NYC

I received an email last week about the skincare company, Skin Inc and their exclusive offer in two NYC Sephora stores this coming weekend. Being a beauty junkie and a resident NYC Sephora lover, I thought this would be a nice little tidbit to share with all of you. Skin Inc is a skincare brand based out of Japan and…

Gone Girl Book Review

I love jumping on bandwagons. Seriously, I'm so basic when it comes to stuff like that. I live for popular culture so when there is a huge movie series, book series, or a new boy band on the block, it immediately becomes the object of my affection.  Twilight, the Hunger Games, 50 Shades of Grey, Jonas Brothers, On…

Manicure Monday

This blog may be called Royally Pink but there is nothing I love more than a good red. Whether it's a red dress, a red lipstick or a red nail, I'm obsessed. I may actually have to do a whole post on the color red haha. Anyways, fall, to me, is the best time to rock whatever red you're feeling. As for me, r…

Links to Love

As you're reading this, I'm in my car, headed to my college campus for HOMECOMING WEEKEND. As an undergrad, homecoming was one of the greatest events of the year. Iona doesn't have a football team but there are still so many fun events on campus, a Rugby game, a basketball pre-game, and of course, day drin…

October PopSugar Must Have Box

POPSUGAR provided me with a complimentary POPSUGAR Must Have box. The opinions I have shared about the box are my own and POPSUGAR did not tell me what to say or how to say it. Being part of the PopSugar Select Blogger Program is a lot of fun, for many reasons. One of the reasons is this bad boy right here...getting t…