Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Links to Love

This week was terribly slow. It felt like every hour was ticking by as I watched the clock. Do you ever feel like you're waiting for something amazing to happen; like we're always waiting for the day to end, waiting for the weekend, waiting, waiting, waiting.

I felt that for real this week; like I was just waiting for my life to begin meanwhile I am living my life. I really need to take more advantage of everything around me and stop making excuses.

Maybe that'll be my goal for the age of 22; not a new year's resolution but a new, older me, resolution.

As you can assume, my anxiety was on high this week. Everything annoyed me, everything made me nervous. I couldn't get a grip, yet again.

I think things will get better this weekend and in the upcoming weeks because there is so much goodness around--brunch with my sorority sisters, Thanksgiving, my birthday, and then holiday shopping and Christmas!

Here's to a better day, a better week and a better life!

Here are also what I laaaaved this week!

Fast, easy and delicious. What more do you want from breakfast? (HerCampus)

Nick Jonas is BAE and has been for over six years. (Elite Daily)

Someone live tweeted a terrible Tinder date and it was glorious. (Buzzed)

I miss college and this is why. (Elite Daily)

This proves that women are slightly overthinking when it comes to men. (Elite Daily)

Give me all the lazy nights! (Levo League)

Us sorority women rule, everything. (Elite Daily)

What did you love this week? Tell me in the comments!