Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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    Wanna know my makeup routine or my favourite cosmetics? Here you can find it! Check it out now! ♡
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    Here you can everything about my life philosophy ♡
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    Do you want to read some book reviews? Here you can find my BOOK REVIEW WEDNESDAY posts! ♡
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Links to Love

I guess I went MIA again and the only excuse I have is Daylight Savings Time. Monday-Wednesday I was a mess of exhaustion. It really threw me for a loop, losing an hour of sleep. I had plans to write for the rest of the week, my calendar was jam packed but I just couldn't bring myself to open my laptop.

It's been a rough, long two weeks and I'm doing my best to adjust to my new normal. It's very odd, losing a parent, and I can't help but feel completely jaded by the universe. I'm not angry, I've already explained that...but grief is just a weird feeling. One minute you're fine, and then the next, your feelings are on an emotional rollercoaster that is in the middle of the ocean -- it's a bumpy ride.

I'd like to get back to a regular schedule eventually and hopefully I adjust to not only my new normal, but losing an hour of sleep!

Even though I wasn't blogging this week and too tired to open a computer, I still found some links I loved-- and a lot of these are from the past 2 weeks when I haven't posted any!

Does this sound like you? Because it sounds like me -- let's take a vacation!

I never wanted anything less than I want this new Instagram

Why it's ok to hate people.. 

I feel like my entire life has been a lie

Well, this scared me a lot

I can't wait for spray nail polish to be released!

What did you love this week?