Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Showing posts from May, 2016

Monthly Muse: May 2016 Favorites

This has been a long and fast month. It seems like so much has happened in such a short time. I cannot believe it's already June. How is the year half over? How is that possible? Wasn't Christmas, uhhhh yesterday???? It's very scary how time goes by and if this is growing up, I don't like it... at all.…

Celebrating 4 Years of Royally Pink + Giveaway

I can't believe this week is 4 years since I started Royally Pink and I can't believe how fast time flies. I was going into my junior year of college and felt like I needed something extra to do. I knew I was going to be busy with my sorority, my education, my activities in school, and an internship but I felt…

Manicure Monday: Memorial Day Edition

Would it be the official unofficial start of summer if I didn't kick off the day with a manicure Monday? It also wouldn't be a summer holiday if I wasn't sick...yes, I have strep throat AGAIN. It's the 3rd time in 15 months so I think it's safe to say I may have to get my tonsils taken out... and t…

Links to Love

Another slow week on Royally Pink... I apologize. I don't have a good excuse other than the week got away from me. Doctors appointments, photoshoots at work, a HUGE sale on Thursday (First one in the office, last to leave!), and finally, Memorial Day Weekend. Give or take a few stressful breakdowns, we're fina…

The DryBar: My 1st Experience

I have a weird obsession with being fancy, chic, and the most basic blogger gal in the universe. My friends mock me on a daily basis for my Instagrams, for my love of being "fancy" and just enjoying girly things. I love being part of a good trend and I don't like to miss out on something trendy. I make n…

Tech Savvy: Favorite Websites

I have a lot of favorites. I'm a girl who has always loved things: books, accessories, stationery, websites... I've just always really liked to be well rounded and I loved discovering new things. I've always been into technology, websites, and the internet. Ever since I was a child, I've been very in t…

Beauty in Review: Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland Palette

Eyeshadow is something that I have a love/hate relationship with. I don't buy a lot of palettes because how much eyeshadow can one person have. I don't wear eyeshadow everyday so I can have self control when it comes to shadows. I've gone even as far to return palettes after I've bought them because I …

I'M MOVING: Bedroom Inspiration

I revealed a few weeks ago that I'm moving SOON.. probably July 1st. I'm very anxious (in a good way) to get out of this house and into my new one. I live with my mom & sister, and while our apartment right now is very quaint and cute, I share a room with my 20 year old sister and well, we're out growi…

Links to Love

Does anyone else suffer from hayfever allergies? If so, I think this week was rough for you too. My allergies knocked me out, from making my eyes swollen, to making my body work overtime and making me beyond exhausted. Dam you Springtime! I'm currently sitting in my pajamas, on a Friday night, with eye gel masks o…

Wishlist Wednesday: Spring Shopping

The weather in New York has been...well rather less than appealing. I love cold weather more than anyone I've ever met but to be wearing a jacket in May and having cold rain for a week straight is less than ideal. That being said, I have not yet broken into my spring essentials. I switched my closet over a while a…

Tuesday Inspiration: Grief

I've been having a really hard time lately. I miss my dad.... a lot and I forget that he's gone at the most random times throughout the day. I'll be making coffee at work, standing at the Keurig machine and a random thought will pop in my head and I'll say to myself "I have to tell my dad" an…

Brand Buzz: Benefit Cosmetics

I haven't done a Brand Buzz in a hot minute and after making a recent purchase, I decided it was time to  write another one. Benefit was one of the first high end makeup brands I ever purchased from. Those purchases will be mentioned in this post because they are some of the best products I've ever used. I did…