Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Monthly Muse: April 2016 Favorites

April has been a long, crazy month. It's the first month after the whirlwind that was losing my dad, and a lot more has happened.

My family and I have to move from our house, (which means a lot of interior design posts coming soon), and I traveled for work twice. This weekend, I got back from Pennsylvania where I was at QVC. I've talked about this before but for my brand, around every 4 months, there is a huge show on QVC called the Today Special Value and I go down with my coworkers and basically stay up for over 24 hours and tweet, take photos, etc.

It's a huge deal for everyone and it's honestly really exciting. It's exhausting but it exhilarating at the same time.

I got home Saturday and on a wind of spontaneity, my friends who are still in college, called me to come up. I got dressed super fast and running on 8 hours of sleep (from Thursday-Saturday), went out with my friends and lived like a college student for a night. It's home for me and I always feel like myself when I'm in my college town and with my friends.

All that being said, I ended April on a fantastic note. April was filled with highs and lows, but there was plenty of room for favorites!

1. YSL Touche Eclat Limited Edition: Concealers are my obsession and this is the top dog. I've been meaning to buy this forever but with a $42 price tag, I've hesitated. Well, when I saw this limited edition "I Am Not a Morning Person" version, and it was 10% off at Nordstrom, I bit the bullet. I love this! The packaging is perfection, and the product inside is even better. I use it with my other concealers to add a brightening effect and it really makes a difference. I feel more awake when I apply this and I'm scared because now that I love it, I'll always want it. Sorry, bank account.

2. Belvita Breakfast Biscuits: Is this weird? I don't care! I want to include non beauty favorites as much as possible. I've had an obsession with these bad boys for the past few months but I don't know, this month I was just feeling them. They fill me up as if I've eaten a huge breakfast in the morning and I'm grateful for that. I need breakfast the moment I wake up and these are great to keep in my bag or at my desk. My favorite flavor is Golden Oat and they're so tasty for a morning breakfast.

3. The Selection Series: A few weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep. I thought I'd read a little to put myself back to sleep. Well, I ended up staying up till 7 AM and read 3 full books, start to finish. Those books were The Selection series that I've been meaning to read for the past year or so. I won't go into too much detail because I want to do a Book Review Wednesday post but this is a definite favorite!

4. Halogen Shoes: I hate buying shoes, especially for Spring but that has all changed. While looking on the Nordstrom website I discovered my new favorite shoes. Halogen is a great Nordstrom brand that I've bought in the past but their studded heels & flats are my new favorite. They're super comfortable and so stylish without being too trendy. I hate heels so much but these are incredible. They fit great and are really comfortable. I want them in every.single.color & I might just do that.

These are just a few of my favorites, but take a look below to see what else I loved.

What did you love in the month of April?