Hi, i'm Briana!
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Showing posts from October, 2018

Happy Halloween | 2018

Credit Credit I hope you all have a fun and safe Halloween! I will be working today and answering the door for trick-or-treaters tonight, as well as getting every last bit of Hocus Pocus in! xoxo B

Monthly Muse: October 2018 Favorites

The end of October is just around the corner. The month feels like it went extremely slow and I'm so grateful for that! I always get a little depressed heading into November because I know my favorite time of year is coming to a close. I'm going to make sure to enjoy every day of my favorite seasons before I h…

Manicure Monday: Julep Zodiac Collection, Sagittarius

Zodiac beauty products are very trendy right now. Everyone is hopping on the train, from Colourpop , KL Polish, and Fresh . I'm all about it because I love my Zodiac sign and I'm very into astrology . However, one brand has had astrology products for a while and that's Julep. I've definitely seen the …

Royal Round Up: Week 43

Oh Friday, how sweet it is to see you again! It was another very long week but it was made shorter by the fact that I'm working from home today. I'm so productive when I work from home and just feel so much better! This week I was very anxious, for a mix of reasons. I was PMSing, the multiple bomb threats in N…

Quick, Easy Halloween Costumes

Halloween is my least favorite holiday in terms of celebrating it. I'm no longer a big drinker and can't be bothered to dress up and go to a crowded bar. It was great in college (even then I wasn't crazy about it) but now I would much rather hang out around the house on Halloween weekend, eat some treats a…

Weight Watchers Wednesday: Volume 7 + New Recipes

Another month, another failed Weight Watchers update. I didn't lose any weight this month but gained 3 pounds. My eating has been a little out of control, while still remaining within the program and I haven't exercised, with good reason. I talked a lot about the minor surgery I had on my leg in September; I h…

My Favorite Fall Fashion Items

Fall fashion is definitely my favorite all year! While I do love winter, there is just something so fresh and beautiful about fall colors and not having to bundle up. I love how Fall fashion looks in photos and how it just seamlessly comes together, no matter what you're wearing. You could be head to toe athleisur…

My October 2018 Beauty Favorites

I'm getting my beauty groove back and I'm so excited! I've been trying new products and discovering ones in my collection that I've forgotten about. I haven't done a ton of makeup shopping in October but I have a few things on my wishlist that I want to get so you'll probably see them in future…

When's Happy Hour Giveaway

So if you saw my Book Review Wednesday this week , you would've saw that I reviewed the new Betches book, "When's Happy Hour" which is all about careers! It is one of my favorite career books I've ever read and I'm literally going to reference it for years to come. I was so happy to receive…

Royal Round Up: Week 42

Well I think we're finally in true Fall mode! It was FREEZING this week and oh my, it was glorious! I was in the best mood all week because of it, and probably because my leg is finally feeling 100% better and my best work friend came back from maternity leave! I was off from work on Thursday because I went for on…

Prepared Is Powerful with Preventeza

This post is brought to you in partnership with Vagisil ® and Her Campus Media. All opinions are my own. I have always loved being a girl and I am so proud of the woman I have grown into. I directly relate that to my environment and my surroundings; I was always taught to stand on my own two feet, to be strong and be…

Book Review Wednesday: When's Happy Hour

I first discovered Betches like most millennial women... in college. Back then it was Betches Love This and now, it's a lifestyle, humor website for women (and men, of course). I can compare it to Barstool Sports, on a much lesser level but they aren't afraid to say what everyone else is thinking. As I've…

Why I Don't Take Outfit Photos

I got the idea for this post a month or so ago but kept putting it off. I wasn't in the right mood to write but sometimes you have to put that to the side and just write. If you've been reading Royally Pink for a while (I started this blog 6 years ago and that still blows my mind every day) you'll notice t…

My Favorite Pumpkin Spice Items

Mother Nature finally delivered the Fall weather to New York this past weekend. I was freezing dressed in a sweater, sweatpants and socks and desperately wanted to put the heat on. I hope that this weather sticks around so I can truly enjoy the Fall season. I make it very known that I am the queen of Pumpkin Spice eve…

Royal Round Up: Week 41

I am so happy this week is over! It's currently 8:15 on Thursday night, I'm slightly buzzed off of 1 glass of wine and watching Hocus Pocus. It doesn't get much better! This was a weird, busy yet nonbusy week. I was running around a lot for work, didn't feel the greatest and it was unseasonably warm an…

Handbag Review: Henri Bendel Empire Tote

A few weeks ago it was announced that Henri Bendel would be closing all of its stores, including the online store. The closing wouldn't happen until January 2019 so we still have a few more months but it was very upsetting. Henri Bendel has become one of my favorite brands over the past two years. It's a bra…

Book Review Wednesday: Bring Me Back

When I saw that B.A Paris was coming out with a new book, I was so excited. She's written one of my favorite domestic thriller novels, Behind Closed Doors  which is so crazy and out of this world, so I knew that this was going to be good. And it was... boy, was it a good book! I listened to this book on Audible, t…

Manicure Monday: Fall in NYC Essie 2018

I mentioned in my last Manicure Monday that I wanted to get my hands on another color in the Essie Fall 2018 collection. It's Fall in NYC and the color looked like a muted mustard yellow; when I first saw the color I was not intrigued and a little grossed out, but after seeing some nail swatches I was in love. La…

Royal Round Up: Week 40

Another strange week in the books! I was off from work on Monday because I went to see Billy Joel the night before, and then off on Thursday to get my stitches removed. My wound didn't heal properly so I have to keep Steri Strips on for 2 weeks and then go see him again. UGH. I also thought I was off on Monday for…