Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Royal Round Up, Vol 2: Week 26

TGIF! Even though it's Friday I have some things to take care of today so everything is over and I'll be eating a lobster roll in Long Island with my boyfriend, I'll be as happy as a clam!

This was a really long week with so much happening! I don't even remember what I did on Monday -- it feels like ages ago! I had a semi rough start to the week with Father's Day making me really sad and it just brought on a lot of emotions. Sometimes I really believe I haven't dealt with my grief the way I should and it sparks something inside of me. I need to take care of that.

In other news, so much exciting stuff happened this week so I really need you all to cross your fingers and say a prayer that I get epic good news soon, and when/if I do, I will of course share it with you!

This weekend is going to be a little more lowkey probably but I think I'll get some cleaning done, reorganize my makeup and jewelry (what I've been meaning to do) and try to get myself together.

I've been going through some of my stuff and listing it on Poshmark. I have a lot of great phone cases and two handbags on there right now so if you're not following me, you should be! I've been selling and shopping on Poshmark since before I started this blog and is by far my favorite platform to work with! I highly recommend.

Anyways, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my night with the Real Housewives of New York, as I'm writing this on Thursday night (did you see last week's episode? I'm rewatching now and it's insane. Top 5 best housewives episodes ever) and I'm ready for the continuation.

Let's get right into this week!

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I also picked up these reusuable cotton rounds from Makeup Eraser and I can't wait to use them!!