Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

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Royal Round Up, Vol 3: Week 22

Sunday is here again and wow, things look different from last week. My heart is heavy, I am anxious and I'm just sad for what is happening to black people in this country, to what is happening with violent protests. It's just really fucking sad and frustrating. 

I have always considered myself an ally to POC. I speak out against racism when I see or hear it, I have always been vocal when I see something unfair and I try my hardest to educate myself and others on racial differences and inequality. 

George Floyd deserved so much more. Breanna Taylor deserved more. All POC deserve more. Black Lives Matter. 

I've tried to stay off social media this weekend because even though I have extreme white privilege, I am still someone who deals with mental health and the unrest makes me anxious. I know I have the privilege to unplug and occupy myself and my mind with other things and I recognize that. 

All of that being said, I donated to Minnesota Freedom Fund last week but since then, they have asked the public to donate to other organizations. Below is a list of where you can donate! 

Where to Donate to Help POC

Head to this great article from Bustle to see more! 

In other news, the coronavirus is still here but New York will open in Phase 1 on June 8th, according to Zaddy Governor Cuomo. I'm happy that the city will be opening but still cautious because well, cautious is really my middle name. Yesterday was the first day I was around a group of people (still socially distanced) and it felt incredible to be outside, be around people, and be social. I'm looking forward to the good weather and the summertime if we can all be mature and be careful.

That is my PSA for the week and below are links I loved this week, including resources to educate yourself on racism and being anti-racism/racists.

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink:

Have a great start to the week everyone and remember to stay safe and educate yourself!
