Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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    Wanna know my makeup routine or my favourite cosmetics? Here you can find it! Check it out now! ♡
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    Do you want to read some book reviews? Here you can find my BOOK REVIEW WEDNESDAY posts! ♡
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Royal Round Up, Vol 3: Week 28

It's Saturday night in the middle of July and I'm home. It is what it is at this point. The week was extremely slow but yet, I can't believe we're almost halfway through the month. I can smell the Fall candles in my future... we know how it goes around here. I start counting down to fall as soon as 4th of July is over.

The week was slow but decent. I got some bad news about a family issue but I also got my first freelance social media client! I've been wanting to get my freelance business off the ground so this was extremely exciting. 

I've been so motivated and I'm so happy that I finally feel like I'm doing the best I can when it comes to the blog, freelancing, and work. It's really rewarding and I almost feel like it wouldn't have happened if I wasn't single or if we were not in the middle of a global pandemic. Silver linings people!! 

As I sit here and bake Trader Joe's Corn Cookies while I'm watching Youtube videos, I think it's time to get into the point of these posts.

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

What I Bought This Week

This week I bought a lot of Disney stuff... don't judge. I bought Mickey Mouse crochet coasters, a Disney mask, another custom gold bracelet, and this Sugarfix by Baublebar ring

I made a hefty order on ShopDisney and you can check that out below!