Hi, i'm Briana!
Hey there!
Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

If you want to know more, just click this button below!
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    Wanna know my makeup routine or my favourite cosmetics? Here you can find it! Check it out now! ♡
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    Here you can everything about my life philosophy ♡
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    Do you want to read some book reviews? Here you can find my BOOK REVIEW WEDNESDAY posts! ♡
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Royal Round Up, Vol 3: Week 34

This was quite the week and I was noticeably quiet on the blog. I've been open about my anxiety on the blog over the years and I never want to stop that. I switched to a new medication this week and the side effects were outrageous. I'm finally feeling a little more like myself and ready to get back to the grind.

You also might notice that the blog is looking a little different today... I switched up my layout, again. I know it's not traditional or maybe 'best practice' to change your layout so frequently but I get so bored of the same layout for too long. 

I'm also really happy with this one because it has the bar at the top to show off my most recent posts. It just is visually appealing to me and I'm excited. I hope you guys like it too! 

I have an easy weekend planned for myself and I'm looking forward to maybe trying to rest and recharge so I'm in a better headspace for next week. 

Pink Positivity of the Week

The Stoney Clover Lane store opened in the West Village this week and it looks gorgeous! I'm planning on checking it out tomorrow. I'm so excited and will be sharing on my Instagram Stories. 

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink
