Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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The Benefits of a Create & Cultivate Insider Membership

Create and Cultivate is a career website and resource, catered to women but advice for all. They host conferences, they have a podcast, the founder has written a book, and now they have an entire online community dedicated to helping women create and cultivate the life of their dreams. 

I've been following the company for a while and I really admire it. I've gotten great advice from them, devoured the book, and am constantly consuming their content. It's a must-visit website if you're a business owner, a person making a career change, or trying to find your way in life. 

Create & Cultivate isn't just career advice but wellness, money, and other life issues. It's your one-stop-shop and if you can't tell, I'm a little obsessed.

This isn't the point of the post though... within the past year, the company launched a paid membership called "Insiders" and you get exclusive invites and discounts to conferences, events, and other content. The membership didn't seem like anything until Covid hit and the brand changed everything to be digital. 

One of the biggest features of Create & Cultivate is their conferences so with Covid, that is obviously impossible. As a C&C Insider, you get exclusive access to conferences before the public, you *might* get a discount (I'm not 100% sure) and you get more exclusivity at the event itself. 

Now, with digital conferences, as an Insider, you get FREE access to all the digital conferences they put on. That, to me, is the best part of being an Insider. 

What Is a Digital Conference?

Since April,  Create & Cultivate has put on around 4 or 5 digital conferences with a huge lineup of incredible speakers, fun activities, and a Slack channel so you can communicate with everyone attending the conference. There are channels for every individual event, for different industries, and for networking. Over Slack, I've talked and met some incredible ladies so that the networking aspect of the conference is still there. 

Plus, who doesn't want to attend a virtual conference from the comfort of their own bed? There's no travel, no small talk with people you don't know, and you can attend every single panel instead of choosing which you want.

If you're not an insider, you can still purchase tickets to the conference and attend just like everyone else. You can also watch the videos for a few days afterward, but as an Insider, you get to forever access to the videos from the conference.

There is another digital conference coming up 

Other Benefits of C&C Insider

You can get a full overview of all the benefits here but one thing I wanted to mention was the exclusive content 'bundles' that they have available. For example, they have a dedicated 'wellness' bundle on how to incorporate wellness into your routine or if you want to learn how to finally start that side hustle, they have a bundle to help you with that on a step by step basis. It's basically their articles times 10 and in a downloadable, PDF format. I download them all to my iBooks app on my iPad and it's helped me a lot.

The membership is $95 a year which can seem like a lot but if you can work it into your budget, I highly recommend it. Even if you're planning on attending 2-3 conferences this year, the membership is worth it just in comparison to the ticket price.

I have been really into online, digital experiences lately (haven't we all?) and my C&C Insider Membership has helped me focus on what I actually want to do more and has shown me the importance in investing in yourself. 

What do you think? Are you going to sign up for C&C Insider?