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Beauty in Review: The Drybar Double Shot Blowout Brush

I have always had a hard time blowing my hair. To be honest, I really hate it. I'm not good at it and it never comes out looking nice. It's a hassle, time-consuming, and just not worth it. Because of this, I have gotten countless keratin treatments, wear my hair naturally curly, or let it my hair air-dry and then straighten it from there. 

I felt pretty hopeless about blow dryers until I saw a trend start to rise: blow drying brushes. They are quite literally blow dryers with brushes attached to the head so that you can brush your hair out while blowing. That was always my issue: I could never brush while blowing and my hair ended up a big, puffy, and frizzy mess. A blow dryer brush basically solves that problem because it keeps air flowing in one direction and allows you to get into every nook and cranny of your locks. 

However, I never pulled the trigger on purchasing one until last month. After watching a few videos and reading countless reviews, I decided to just purchase the Drybar Double Shot Blowout Brush. I went with this over the Revlon One-Step because that one is said to fry your hair to a crisp and truthfully, my hair is so outrageously thick and unruly, cheap stylers do nothing for it, (except for my Kiss Instawave). 

My mom used the Double Shot before I did and she was raving about it. Her hair looked beautiful after using it -- like she just got out of the salon chair but truthfully, my mom is good at her hair so I wouldn't believe it until I tried for myself.

How I Use The Double Shot Brush

When I finally used it for the first time, my hair was pretty much soaking wet. I sectioned it off and started to blow. To use it, I simply brush my hair, and the air flowing through dries it. *I will try to do a video but going on camera with wet hair scares me*

I do each section, one by one (in total usually 4-6 sections) and my hair is pretty much perfect. I don't even use a straightener anymore because my hair is dry, frizz-free, bouncy, and gorgeous afterward. It truly looks like I got my hair professionally blown out. I was in shock and awe when I used it for the first time.

The two hair products I use before styling my hair are the Drybar Prep Rally and Virtue Labs
UnFrizz Cream

The Pros

I thought maybe I just got lucky and was having a good hair day but I've used it every week for the past month and wow, it just gets better and better.

My hair looks so good when I use this brush. It's not pin straight but has a little bounce and volume to it. It's natural and wavy, and looks as if I just walked out of the salon. It makes me feel confident in how my hair looks and that to me, is the most important part. 

Also, the hairstyle lasts a long time...if my hair didn't get greasy and my scalp itchy, I'd be able to go a solid week without washing my hair. Now, I usually go 4-5 days without washing but that is more than enough time... and my hair looks great the entire time. 

The main pro is truly that your hair looks like salon quality but you're doing it yourself. If you have trouble blow drying, straightening 

I would also say a pro is that you don't have to take extra heat aka a straightner (unless you want a pin straight look) to it. I also don't feel like, after a month, my hair is more damaged that it already was. 

Air dried hair

Freshly blown out with the Double Shot Brush

The Cons

There are two cons to it though: using this brush takes forever. It's a much longer process than just using a regular blower but the results are worth it 100% in my opinion. Also, take into account that you don't need to straighten your hair so the time you would've spent on both processes are now combined. 

The second con is very specific to my hair I think. My hair and scalp are very soft after using this dryer and in turn, my hair gets a little greasy (my hair never gets greasy) and my scalp is extra itchy. It could also be the products I'm using or the change in weather. However, I didn't use the brush this weekend and gave my hair a break from the heat and it's not looking greasy or feeling extra soft so it might be the brush.

Also, let me note that there is a learning curve with the brush; it feels awkward in your hand and takes a little getting used to but after the first time using it, I think you'll get the hang of it and now it feels pretty natural.

Is It Worth It?

All in all, I could ever go back to using a regular blow dryer. This Drybar blow out brush is truly a game-changer and honestly worth every penny. You know I love Drybar as a brand and I trust their products more than any other brand. I also just discovered that they have a 2 year warranty because my regular Buttercup Blow Dryer was sparking (we've had it a year) and they sent us a new one, for free. So yes, Drybar is the best.

Have you ever tried a blowout brush? Would you consider it?