Hi, i'm Briana!
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My Trip to the Bethenny

OMG. Can I start off by saying that? 

A few months ago, on a whim, I applied to get Bethenny tickets. I never take advantage of living in New York and seeing all the wonderful things that go on but I knew that I needed to see Bethenny film her talk show before the chance passed me by.

About three weeks ago I got an email confirmation saying that I had reserved two tickets and that my show date was on Wednesday, November 20th. I was completely overjoyed and thrilled as was my mom who was my guest.

We both love and adore Bethenny Frankel; I've talked about her numerous times on here and the chance to see her in person was too good to pass up.

I am a naturally nervous person so the few days leading up to going to the show I was a mess. I was going to travel into Manhattan alone and the mere fact that I didn't know what to expect when I showed up there scared me. That is definitely something I need to work on. 

I woke up at 5:45, was in the city by 7:30 and at the CBS building where Bethenny was being filmed by 7:55. The line was already incredibly long but by 8:15, I was sitting in the waiting room with all the other Bethenny fans. We filled out forms and surveys and listened as producers and security explained what would happen that day.

No cameras or phones were allowed out while the show was being taped but before and after were fine. They also explained who the guests were...to be honest, I didn't know who they were. I only knew JessieMae Peluso from "Girl Code", which I was REALLY excited to see and then also Reza Farahan from Bravo's TV Show "Shahs of Sunset". 

They gave us a number and we waited to be filed into the studio. When I got in there, I was in complete shock and awe. It is SO tiny! The set is a lot smaller than it is on television which I assumed because most sets are like that. 

I was also freaking out because I WAS AT THE BETHENNY SHOW! It was so incredible and I was so nervous. I have a tendency to be dramatic if you haven't noticed and especially when celebrities around, I lose my cool, majorly. I was really nervous about seeing Bethenny in person.

They played a lot of music before hand, explained some more stuff, and had some dance competitions between the audience to win a Bethenny t-shirt. 

Finally, they were ready and the cameras began to roll. "Calling All My Girls", Bethenny's theme song began to play and then the doors opened and there she was. I was DYING. She is SUPER skinny, skinner than I imagined. She is so bubbly and so outgoing. She is perfect.

I won't go into full detail about the show...it airs on November 27th at 11am on Fox but it was really great. It was awesome to see how much goes into putting on a television show. Seeing everyone running around, getting things perfect, doing re-takes...it was surreal. 

I was also nervous about seeing how Bethenny really is. Everyone can act different when a camera is on but she is truly the same person. She is funny, sweet, kind and forever thankful to her fans. She is the exact same person on and off the camera. 

The most amazing thing about the show? I GOT $600 WORTH OF FREE STUFF! Yep, Bethenny did "Christmas in November" and my audience got very lucky! We got a Soda Stream Machine, Jenu Anti Aging products, a portable speaker (can't remember the name) and a $150 gift card to Maggy London.

I am super happy about all of that!

This was a truly amazing experience and being able to see one of my role models in person was perfection. If anyone is in the NYC area, go to Bethenny.com and see if you could get tickets to her show, it was amazing!