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The Internship Search

The end of the semester is drawing nearer and I'm beginning to get scared because I can't believe how fast time has flown. It feels like just yesterday I was moving into my house and now I'll be packing up to head home for a month.

I've also been putting off the dreaded internship search. I usually love applying for internships and organizing myself to score a dream internship but this semester, I was seriously slacking. It's December and I still do not have an internship secured. I blame it on my subconscious because I know that this internship is do or die, it's the last one I'll have before accepting a job offer and it's truly scary.

That's not the point of this post though, so back on track.

I've come to realize that I do not need to find an internship right away. A lot of companies are always looking for interns once the semester begins because they realize they didn't hire enough. I have time but I'm still actively applying for any internship I see that interests me.

I have three internships under my belt so I'm pretty experienced when it comes to looking for available internships; I've actually started to help my friends and sorority sisters with their internship hunt, resume and cover letter writing, etc.

If you're an underclassmen looking for the right internship or don't really know where to start, here are a few tips and tricks to get you there:

1. Organize Yourself

Grab an empty notebook or binder and write down every company you want to intern for. No company is too big or too small, just write them down. Have this little book be your internship search book where you record all your contacts, companies, and the dates you apply to the internship. Write down what materials are needed for each company, when you should follow up, and the coordinator's contact information. 

Give each company their own page in the book so you can easily keep track of what is needed for each application.


There are a few sites you can go on to easily search for internships: InternQueen.com, Ed2010.com, Indeed.com but step outside the box. Go on companies websites, Linkedin pages, and just randomly google the term "internships" attached with your dream company. There are internship postings everywhere, you just need to pay attention.

3. Utilize Your Career Center

Your college or university probably has a career center that specializes in internship and job searches. You may even have a page that has internship listings to apply for. Aside from using them to find an internship, set up an appointment to have them look at your resume and cover letter. 

I was completely clueless on how to write a resume and cover letter before I went to my career center and they saved me. They made my resume and cover letter look and sound perfect to any employer. It was a life saver. 

4. Apply for ANYTHING

You never know where your dream job is going to come from. You may think you want one thing but after working at a particular company or doing that particular job, you'll find out that you actually hate it. For example, I thought I wanted to work in entertainment news but after one of my internships, I figured out that it definitely wasn't for me. If you stay close minded and only go on one track, you may miss out on your dream job.

There are so many other tips and tricks over on InternQueen.com. I've blogged about Lauren and InternQueen Inc quite a few times since I am an Intern Queen Campus Ambassador but she truly does know everything and anything relating to internships. It's definitely worth checking out!

What are you favorite internship search tips and tricks?


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