Hi, i'm Briana!
Hey there!
Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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    Wanna know my makeup routine or my favourite cosmetics? Here you can find it! Check it out now! ♡
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    Here you can everything about my life philosophy ♡
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    Do you want to read some book reviews? Here you can find my BOOK REVIEW WEDNESDAY posts! ♡
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Links to Love

Welp, another week has passed. September feels like it's flying by and it's been quite the month already. My life is in a weird place right now but like always, I'm just taking it day by day. 

I know I always post such vague updates about my life but even though I'm a blogger, I don't like sharing too much really personal stuff on here. 

Anyways, in the world lots happened. Ray Rice, the iPhone6, 9/11 anniversary and the end of NYFW. Those three don't go together but it's what most people were talking about.

There were SO many things I bookmarked this week. That's how I come up with these links, I'll see something I LOVE, something that moves me or makes me laugh, I bookmark it and then post here. Viola! 

I really love sharing these links with you because like I said, they're things that I feel need to be shared with the world and as a blogger/journalist/social media lady, I'm programmed to share things.

Here we go...

Please share your links you loved with me in the comments! I'd love to read! 

Happy Friday and weekend everyone!