Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

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What's in my Work Bag | September 2014

Being part of the real world is actually kind of scary. I feel like I've been living a lie for the past month and it's really weird. I've had weird epiphanies lately where this doesn't feel like my life because it's all so new and strange.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it though. Of course I miss college and it sucks seeing my under grad friends having the time of their life on campus while I'm at home, alone.

Having an actual job is weird. I can't even explain it and I don't know when I'll get used to it but it's just odd. And I love it.

It's surreal that I have a job, in my field, in Manhattan. People dream of that and I'm lucky enough to do it. It's awesome!

With a big girl job comes big girl work essentials. Being in an office all day, you need things that you would probably have at home. I'm also a complete bag lady and I carry around everything and anything with me.

I like to be prepared at all times so my bag is always filled with work day essentials.

Laptop + chargers: I bring my own laptop to work so of course it's important. I also carry laptop chargers, iPhone charger and my earbuds. Listening to music (Beyonce and Billy Joel Pandora are my favs) helps me focus while I work so definitely need those earbuds!

Bobble Water bottle: Reusable water bottles are my saving grace. I drink ridiculous amounts of water on a daily basis and these keep it cold and fresh. It's perfect for work because I could refill it anywhere and the bottle filters the water so it's safe to drink. It's impossible for me to get through a day without this bad boy.

EOS Lip balm: My lips get pretty chapped during the day and sometimes, just out of habit and to do something to distract me I apply lip balm. It makes me feel refreshed, as strange as that sounds, and keeps my lips hydrated. Right now, EOS is my favorite lip balm but I always switch between a few. Fresh Sugar Lip Treatments are my other favorite.

Colorful Pens: I love my Poppin pens from the Her Campus Survival Kit I received last year. These pink gel pens make any work more enjoyable. It's fun to look at and write in bright colors. It's the little things in life.

Planners + Notebooks: I need my planner at work because it's a force of habit. Whether it's remembering to do something, having a meeting with someone, or jotting down an idea or to-do that I realize I have to do at home. I need my planner, always. I also bring a legal pad and a notebook with me because it's essential for me at work. I need it to brainstorm ideas and take notes in meetings.  Cute notebooks make everything better.

Snack Bars: When I get hungry, I get hungry, immediately. A few weeks ago I almost passed out on the train because I was so hungry. It's a problem and I'm always prepared. I keep at least 3 snack/granola bars with me at all times just incase I feel super hungry.

Misc: Anything from Post It notes, Advil, Midol, and business cards. I keep a lot of random nothings in my bag because I love being prepared.

I carry a heavy bag on a daily basis, probably why my back is always in so much pain. The pain is worth being prepared in my case ;)

What do you keep in your work/everyday bag? Tell me in the comments!