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Beauty in Review: Tarte Park Ave Princess Contour Palette

I am a beauty junkie, it's no secret. All I do is watch beauty tutorials, make lists on what beauty products I want to buy, cruise the drug store every week for new products, and blog way too much about beauty.

I'm obsessed and I don't know where it happened. I just love how make up makes me feel and how it makes me look. I love having new, fancy things to play with...I'm just addicted!

I also like to stay up on the latest beauty trends: the Kylie Jenner Lip, matte lips, face, and nails, and contouring.

I've attempted to contour FOREVER but didn't really understand how. I didn't have the right tools and didn't really know where to start. I didn't want to look like Kim Kardashian(I mean, I do but eh), just a light contour to see how I liked it.

An example of where you should place bronzer, highlight, and blush while contouring
I'd seen all these contour palettes and kits and wanted to get my hands on one. I could buy the individual products but I thought having a palette made specifically for contouring would help me more.

Finally, I saw the Tarte Park Avenue Priness Contour Palette on sale at Sephora for $24 and then on Christmas Day, it was an extra 20% off. I jumped at this and a few days later, this gorgeous gold packaged baby was in my hands.

Tarte has been on my mind lately because I think they are an incredible beauty brand with awesome products that are made with good, healthy ingredients. The packaging and branding of Tarte is what gets me and it's just my new favorite brand.

This palette is stunning. It comes with an Amazonian Clay Bronzer, Amazonian Clay Blush in Posh, and Champagne Gold highlight shade. The products aren't too pigmented, just pigmented enough to get the look you need.

I think the blush is perfect for all skin types, it's the perfect bubble gum pink but not too bright. The bronzer is a little light for anyone darker than me, and the highlight isn't my favorite. I've been loving a crazy glow highlight lately, like think J.Lo type of glow, and this wasn't doing it for me. This is much better for a nice, everyday highlight. 

The nice thing about the contour shade is that it can be used as an all over bronze, which is part of contouring process. 

I've only used this a few times because I don't have the time to contour before I go to work (#BasicBeautyLook) but I'm pretty obsessed with it.

I use this Coastal Scents brush that is really thin and dense, it fits perfectly in the hollow of my cheek bones.  Then, as a bronzer brush, I use my ELF kabuki brush. It's really all about the brushes because it allows you to control the type of contour you want.

I also really like how contouring looks. My face looks slimmer and my makeup looks more put together.

Basically, this palette is incredible and has become a true staple in my collection. Bronzers and blushes are something I need more of and I'm really happy to have this nifty little kit in my possession.

What beauty trends do you love?


  1. I'm a beauty junkie as well; sometimes I watch one YouTube video to kill a bit of time and before I know it I've killed three hours and have nothing other than more theory on how to do the perfect winged eyeliner to show for it.

    I like contouring super lightly for everyday. I actually purchased a face powder in a shade much much darker than my skin tone (which is super easy because hey, I'm almost transparent, but I try my best to rock it) and I use that. It's much less of a contrast than an actual bronzer, but it gives that perfect amount of definition without being noticeable.

    Sweet Spontaneity

    1. I am right there with you on the youtube videos! I spend my days watching them and searching for new bloggers to subscribe too. I'm currently watching one right now haha! I definitely agree; contouring can be really dramatic for those night time looks or very natural during the day. I definitely need to try it out more lightly during the day!

      Thanks for reading :)


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