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Recipe Wednesday: Breakfast Cups

Is this a new series? I have no idea but let's roll with it and see.

Since I've been home from school, especially since the weather has gotten colder, I've felt the need to cook more. Sometimes when I'm home, bored of Netflix and my computer, I'll log onto Pinterest and see what I could make.

Honestly, I've made some pretty good things off Pinterest lately and I'm super proud of myself! Pinterest makes everything look so easy so when you finally do make something successfully, it's a big deal...right?

These breakfast cups that I'm about to tell you about is by far my favorite recipe because it's the easiest. It's basically full proof, you cannot mess it up.

I love breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day...words cannot explain it. I will pick breakfast over anything and I love finding new ways to make it. 

Over the past few months I've seen so many variations of these "breakfast muffins" and I even attempted one last year but I like these so much better. 

Bacon, eggs, cheese, and crescents all in one neat little package...seriously what more could you want?

This is the original recipe I found but I changed mine up a little bit. This recipe makes 12 muffins, perfect for on the go breakfast or just something different from your standard bacon and eggs.

This recipe isn't an exact science. You really can do whatever you want. If you don't want bacon, use something else, just more or less cheese—seriously, whatever you want! I won't tell anyone.

What you need:

6 eggs
8-12 strips of bacon (depending on what you want)
Shredded cheddar cheese
1 package of crescent roll dough


Spray muffin tin with cooking spray, thoroughly

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Scramble 6 eggs with a little bit of milk

Cook the bacon to your liking, whether it's in the microwave or oven

Roll out the crescent roll dough onto a cutting board, making sure there are no spaces between the dough. Make the dough one complete sheet, not separate pieces

Place the dough pieces on the bottom of the muffin pan, bringing them up on the sides as much as possible but making sure there are no tears. If there is and you have left over dough after covering each pan, you can add the extras on the bottom.

Place bacon strips on top of crescent dough (I usually cut one strip in half and place the two pieces in the pan) 

Pour egg mixture (as much as you want) into each pan

Sprinkle cheese (as much as you want) onto the top

Place in oven, bake for 15-20 minutes, until cheese melts and you can clearly see the egg has cooked. 

Viola, you are finished!

I took one out of the pan before I could take a pic #bloggerfail
Like I said, you can substitute items or add more or less of each ingredient. It all depends on your mood and taste... you really can't mess this up, promise!

I've made these a few times and each time they come out better and better. They are truly the perfect breakfast! 

What has been your most successful Pinterest recipe? Tell me in the comments!