Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

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Showing posts from April, 2015

Beauty in Review: New Covergirl | April 2015

I received these products free of charge from the company but all opinions are my own! Being the beauty junkie that I am, you could imagine my surprise and insane delight when I received an email from CoverGirl asking me if they could send me some of their new, not yet in store products. UM YES!!!!!!!!! I mean, CoverG…

Links to Love

When was the last time I wrote one of these posts? Last month? I think that's correct. My Thursday nights have been exhausting lately... I'm just too tired (and sometimes I just forget) about this post. Also, I'm not sure if I've talked about this on the blog but I have a real bad wrist (or wrists, I g…

Birchbox April Review + Mad Men Curated Box

When I heard that Birchbox was releasing Mad Men curated boxes for the big premiere of the next seven episodes, I knew I needed it. I have developed a deep love for Mad Men when I watched the entire series for the first two weeks after graduation, back in May 2014. I love Don Draper, Betty is a bad bitch, and Joan is…

Lilly for Target + Wish List

I probably will be doing another post on this next week, if I could get my hands on anything from the collection, but I figured I'd do one now. I'm surprised I haven't talked about this much at all since the announcement. Lilly Pulitzer for Target has been so controversial and honestly, all the haters can…

Life Lately | April 2015

I'm going to be honest, this week I just wasn't having blogging. I've mentioned this before but usually I *try* to write all my blogs for the week on Saturday or Sunday (or even Thursday or Friday night) because during the week I'm pretty tired and I like to use my weekends to get shit done. Hence, I a…

Manicure Monday: Essie Blossom Dandy

I'm pretty sure I said the last Manicure Monday would be the last one for a while but obviously I lied. I had a CVS giftcard from Easter (My mom knows I love the drugstore) and I knew exactly what I was going to buy. This little turquoise number has been on my mind since I purchased " Petal Pushers " and…

Acer Google Chromebook + Review

About a month ago, I was struggling with my good old Macbook. That little old lady was rounding up on almost 6 years old and her age was beginning to show. There was hardly any storage left, it was running incredibly slow, it couldn't hold a charge for longer than an hour, and I was becoming more frustrated by the…

Wish List Wednesday + Spring Clothing Wish List

Spring is not my favorite season but after the winter we've had here in New York, I am fully ready to embrace bright colors and light linens. This past Sunday, Easter Sunday to be exact, I proudly donned a white on white jean ensemble with a bright blue necklace and loved every second of it. I am just so ready to …

Recent Beauty Hauls | April 2015

Here we are with another beauty post. I have been accumulating so many products, it's becoming an issue and I don't have enough space to store it all. I need to figure something out soon but for now, I'm going to own up to my problem and share it with all of you. I buy a makeup product at least once every …

Anxiety + Nerve Tonic: How to Deal

I've mentioned a few times on here that I have severe anxiety issues. I've dealt with anxiety for a few years now but it wasn't until my junior year of college, when I went to see the school counseling center, that I realized that what I was dealing with was anxiety. It wasn't as bad when I was at scho…

Lusting For Lush Products

I have had this post on my editorial calendar for months, probably since I knew I wanted to try LUSH products and saw that there was a store in my local (45 minutes away) mall. LUSH Cosmetics is a fantastic company that sells handmade bath and body products. Everything from facial cleansers and masks, to bath bombs a…