Hi, i'm Briana!
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Showing posts from November, 2017

25 Lessons I've Learned in 25 Years

Today I turn 25 years old. That seems like an unreal age for me. I felt this way when I turned 13 years old, 16 years old, 18, 20, and 21. The past few birthdays have been uneventful but yet, here we are at another milestone. For my last milestone birthday, I was in my senior year of college, ready to drink my face of…

25th Birthday Giveaway

Today is my last day of being 24 years old. I'm leaving my early twenties tomorrow and heading straight through into my mid-twenties.  I almost don't even want to admit how scared I really am because it sounds silly, but I've been in the middle of a quarter-life crisis since I was 20 years old and now that…

Monthly Muse: November Favorites

This month went by in a blur but also very slowly. It was a rough month for some personal reasons but also a happy one because 1) the weather got cold, 2) Thanksgiving, 3) I turn 25 in two days. November is definitely my 2nd favorite month (October being the first) so I was happy to have it pass by a little more slowl…

How to Stay Safe While Shopping Online

I know that it's Cyber Monday and I know that I should be a good blogger and post all the deals I'm shopping but honestly, I am exhausted from all the sales going on. My email inbox is insane and it was just super overwhelming to comb through everything. The entire Cyber Week was incredibly hectic and while it…

Black Friday Deals I'll Be Shopping

I'm currently sitting on my couch with my aunt, uncle, & mom, watching Football and awaiting for the appriporate time to eat leftovers. I was going to blog Wednesday & yesterday but just didn't have the time. I was cooking and baking and had to run errands, and I was just exhausted by the end of it. I …

Brand Buzz: Becca Cosmetics

Becca is a newer brand on the beauty scene.. if 2001 is newer to you, but it really flourished back in 2014/2015 if I do say so myself. It was a brand that was known for their highlighters, most noteworthy Opal. They've since branched out with other products but in their heart of hearts, I think they always stay t…

Going All Natural with Seventh Generation

This post is sponsored by Seventh Generation and Her Campus Media. All opinions are my own!  Even though I recently lost 20+ pounds on Weight Watchers, my lifestyle is far from 'healthy'. I still don't eat too many fruits & vegetables and I haven't gotten on board with clean eating. Despite all of …

Weekly Wrap Up: Week 41

Happy Friday! Another week has passed and it's time for the weekend. Will I ever stop looking forward to the weekend? I don't know and that's quite sad. This week was super duper long: a photo shoot on Monday, after work drinks on Tuesday, and just an exhausting Wednesday & Thursday filled with a lot o…

Royal Recipes: Weight Watchers Biscuits

As I mentioned last week, I love sweets and carbs so trying to distance myself from all my favorite breakfast foods while I'm on Weight Watchers was going to be an issue. I searched Pinterest high & low for breakfast recipes that would satisfy my hearty carb craving and when I stumbled upon these easy to make …

Holiday Beauty Launches: Fall/Winter 2017

I didn't realize it until I started working in the beauty industry but in retail, the holiday season starts at the end of September and that is usually when you start seeing all the beauty companies putting out their holiday sets. It can be very overwhelming to log onto the New Arrivals section of Sephora and Ulta…

Beauty 101: How To Have Healthy Hair in the Fall & Winter

Last week in New York we had a huge cold front. It was super weird because it felt like December weather, not early November. I've mentioned it here before and I'm sure you're not blind to it either: the weather has been wild and it's wrecking havoc on all parts of me: my health, my routine, my skin an…

Weekly Wrap Up: Week 40

We are two weeks away from Thanksgiving and it is the one thing that is keeping me going! I am so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas I almost feel overwhelmed. There are so many things I want to do,  so many ways I want to decorate and so many things I want to bake -- it just feels like I can't do it all. That…

Royal Recipes (and story time): Weight Watchers 1 Point Cupcakes

I used to have something on the blog a few years ago called Recipe Wednesday where I shared the latest recipes I was trying out. Also, have you noticed how much I love having a series on Wednesdays? i.e Wishlist Wednesdays, Book Review Wednesday... I guess I just love Wednesdays! Well, now I changed the series because…

How a Girl Boss Watches TV on the Go

This post is brought to you by HBO and Her Campus Media If you know me, you know that I love television. I am never without the TV on, and even if I'm watching Youtube videos, the TV is on in the background. Even though it's not good, I also sleep with my television on and I don't know how I will ever kick…

Monthly Muse: October 2017 Favorites

This post is a little past due because of my personal stuff that happened last week. A little update on the robbery... the police are going to be looking further into it because it's something that's been going on in my otherwise safe neighborhood. Unfortunately, my insurance company doesn't cover stolen g…