Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Royal Round Up: Week 9

Happy Friday! This wasn't that bad of a week, however, last weekend I had a massive panic attack and I felt it linger all week long.

I've been on the edge on all week, and just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I haven't had a panic attack since December and before that, I haven't had one in over 8 years.  I also felt one coming on yesterday but I pushed it away. I don't know what's happening to me but it's starting to worry me.

Tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary of my dad's death and I have a feeling that has a huge effect on me. I mean, why wouldn't it?

Other than that, the week was busy and I was good with that. Work has been utterly crazy, almost out of nowhere, and it's causing a bit of chaos but in a good way. It's very interesting to see how I'm adapting to it.

In terms of work, I was off yesterday because I had to take my mom to the doctor's and then I was feeling really horrible today (sickness has also been lingering and I think it's finally taking me for prisoner) so it's going to be a relaxing/self-care/working weekend for me.

In other news, I hope you're all keeping up with my entertainment news website, Breaking Bradshaw. As much as it's something I didn't need, I have been enjoying writing on there. I just don't want to make myself stressed out to the core trying to get posts up every day. I took a break Wednesday but it was all good.

SIDE NOTE: Did anyone notice the new blog layout? I've wanted something like this for so long and finally found a premade layout that was exactly what I wanted. I installed it over the weekend and I've just been staring at it lovingly for days. I hope you all like it and find Royally Pink a little easier to navigate!

Let's get to it, my favorite links of the week:
What you missed on Royally Pink:
There's a new Beaute Report going out this weekend so sign up for my beauty newsletter here

I hope you all have a great weekend!