Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Weight Watchers Wednesday: Vol 4

Another month on Weight Watchers has come to a close ... and next month it's my 1 year anniversary. That is super crazy to think about because it feels like I just started this journey a little while ago.

My progress this month was better than previous; I lost a few pounds and gained one back. I don't stress out anymore when I gain a pound because I know I have a plan in place to lose it. As long as I'm maintaining the majority of the weight I did lose, I'm good.

However, I did figure out what works for me: meal prepping.

Before my new found discovery I was eating the same things for breakfast and lunch every day, and wasn't satisfied so I was snacking (and non-weight watchers snacks too). I changed it up and started to meal prep instead of grabbing oatmeal & a Lean Cusine frozen lunch.

I usually make breakfast muffins on a Sunday for the entire week, and then make some cauliflower rice and spring rolls for lunch. I'm really full and don't feel the need to snack so much.

Just last night I made myself Trader Joe's Cauliflower Gnocchi with a touch of Lite Alfredo Sauce for lunch today and it's low points, super filling, and satisfying.

Meal prepping has really worked for me and I advise everyone trying to lose weight to at least try it. Knowing what you are going to eat and actually eating what you want (in moderation, in line with your diet) is key.

If I can keep up the meal prepping and some pilates during the week I'm hopeful I can get down to more of a goal weight.

I really want to lose another 30 pounds, making the total close to 60 but I have a feeling it's going to take me a lot longer than I think. It's taken me almost a year to lose 26-30 pounds and while that is frustrating I know it's because I haven't been as regimented as I was in the beginning.

I need to get back into the proper mindset, keep meal prepping and keep exercising during the week as well as the gym on the weekends.

Next month is the big 1-year update so stay tuned for that!
