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Manicure Monday-Julep Maven Edition

I mentioned a few months ago that I received my first Julep Maven box--after that I cancelled my subscription because honestly, I just can't afford it.

I do love their products and that's why I grabbed at the chance to buy a few things on Black Friday.

Everything was cheap, with free shipping, and additional add ons. I couldn't resist!

For $20 I got two polishes and the Julep Quick Dry Drops (which are pure magic!)

The two polishes I got were "Hailee" which is a green, sparkly, matte polish and "Whitney", a brown/beige color.

I've been searching high and low for the perfect beige that doesn't have a grey tint to it and Whitney is my perfect match!

I painted my nails last week with "Hailee" and was in love with it. The matte finish really shows and is so different from any other polish out there. Two coats is all you need and the sparkle green color is great for the winter.

The one complaint I had was that "Hailee" didn't stay on too long; it began to fade the day after I polished my nails. When I put another coat on, it chipped the day after again. But honestly, isn't that all polishes? I still love it!

"Whitney" is a completely different story! I've had it on my nails since last Monday and they haven't chipped yet! I am in pure shock at how strong the formula is. I think I applied three coats, a top coat, and then the Quick Dry Drops but still, they have maintained their color and shine. I'm in love!

The Quick Dry Drops are seriously magic. I have never in my life used a product like this one and I'm pretty sure I will buy it for the rest of my life. I almost don't want to tell anyone because I want to keep the secret to myself.
With one drop a minute after the final polish application, your nails are instantly dry. You would think I'm lying but I am surely not. They really do dry instantly. I can't even believe a product like this finally exists!

All in all, Julep Maven has an amazing line of great formula polishes and a bunch of other great nail/beauty products. 

It's a wonderful company that I will continue to buy products from.

Happy Manicure Monday !


  1. I have never heard of those drops before. I may need to invest in some of those! I can never be still long enough to keep from smudging my nails. :S


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