Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Showing posts from June, 2015

How I Manage Work Life Balance

This is a phrase I've heard a lot over the past few years. Ever since Junior Year of college, when I started to think about graduation and the real world, all the articles I've read have talked about the idea of work-life balance. I never really understood it, I thought it would be something down the line, but…

Monthly Muse: June 2015 Favorites

Once again, June flew by and I can't believe July starts this week. Where is time going?? I asked one of my co-workers the other day "Is this how life is now? Time just flies?" And their response was a resounding "Welcome to the real world"-- great, that's just great. In just a few weeks, s…

Links to Love

I feel like I haven't done one of these posts in weeks, when in reality it's only been two weeks. I'll be honest when I say I've felt very disconnected from my blog lately. I'm writing posts but I'm not posting them on social media, and I feel like I'm not engaging. I hate that, because I r…

Favorite Samples From Birchbox

I've been a subscriber of Birchbox ever since I started this blog, so a little over three years. I stopped subscriptions in-between because I was a broke college student at one point, but I've loved Birchbox every step of the way. It really has opened so many doors for me in terms of make-up and I've lear…

Beauty Tips for Allergies

Ever since I was a little girl, I suffered severely from allergies. Once April rolled around, I knew I would have a rough few months and allergy season was in full force. At first, it was just my eyes would water up and itch really badly--this was a quick fix with some eye drops. As I got older, the allergies and the …

Royally Planned: ban.do Planner + Review

For the past three years, I've relied on my trusty Lilly Pulitzer planner to get me through college and my first post grad year. I knew this year that I wanted to change it up. I tried last year and really disliked the Kate Spade planners . That was way too plain and dull for me. I also had a Whitney English Day D…

Alex Drawers Ikea Review

When I started working at a beauty company, I knew I was going to acccumlate a ridiculous amount of make-up. My beauty obsession already warranted a ton of make-up that I didn't need. My mom was getting tired of me getting packages delivered to the house filled with make-up I didn't need. The storage situation…

Book Review: I Suck At Relationships So You Don't Have Too

I have expressed my love for Bethenny Frankel on the blog before and with her return to Real Housewives of New York this season, the love has not gone anywhere. That love was further reinstated when I listened to her newest book "I Suck At Relationships So You Don't Have To" . I was weary of listening t…

Birchbox June 2015 Review

I think there was a pattern this month where a lot of people were unhappy with their Birchbox. Sometimes Birchbox has off months and everyone gets besides themselves. Let's all remember that this is a $10 a month subscription box to TRY OUT NEW PRODUCTS. Birchbox gives out SAMPLES, that is what they are known for.…

Manicure Monday + Sinful Colors

OMG I promise I will stop posting Manicure Mondays, I'm sorry! I just keep getting new nail polish and feel the need to blog about them. I also wanted to post an update on last week's Manicure Monday of my new Smith & Cult nail polish. The polish stayed *almost* chip free for a week. I picked at the polis…

Links to Love

Ahh another week gone! Can it be classified as mid-June yet? I mean, Father's Day is already next weekend. I really need time to slow down. Like really really really need it to slow down. Mercury is officially out of retrograde and I kid you not, I felt the earth shift Wednesday night. Everything just felt better.…

HELLO Colourpop!

This is a post I have been wanting to write ever since I first heard about Colourpop Cosmetics. If you are an avid watcher of Youtube beauty videos, I am willingly to bet my life on the fact that you have heard of Colourpop. They were pretty much made famous by their vlogger friends, so much that a lot of vloggers hav…