Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

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Pitch Perfect: Freelance Writing Class Review

Ever since I was little, I loved writing. I used to pretend I was a reporter for my local newspaper. I wanted to be Lindsay Lohan in "Get A Clue". I loved to write in my diary and create stories in my head.

As I got older, I realized that I could actually make a career out of writing. When I was a Junior in high school, I got a near perfect score on my English Regents and was placed into Advanced English -- the first time I was ever put into an Advanced class. My Junior year English teacher was very proud of me and talked to me about pursuing a career with some sort of writing.

Before I decided to major in Journalism, I wanted to major in Psychology but with the help of my favorite English teacher (Mrs. I) and my favorite History teacher, (Ms. McNiff) I decided to head to college with dreams of Journalism in my head.

I wrote everything I could in college from newspaper stories to random articles published on random websites to writing internships and then finally to this blog. While I don't have a traditional career in writing and made my way into the social media world, writing is still in my heart.

I write here, for you, every week. I write for Elite Daily, The Huffington Post, and Out of Office NY. I write for my work blog, which was created specifically for me. I write books (well, two books that I have in my head). I just need to write.

My mentor, my friend, Elana, is an incredible writer and has been published in so many incredible places. She gave me my internship at Levo League (now just Levo) and gave me my first job out of college. She's been a cheerleader of mine from the beginning and I of hers.

*I just did an interview with Elana for 1000 Dreams Fund so check out more of her story! She has also a blog where she offers up some incredible career advice! 


That's why when the queen of freelance writing (as I have dubbed her) reached out to me and told me that she was creating a writing course to teach people with writing dreams how to get published, whether it's a big time name or a smaller outlet, I nearly screamed.

The course is called "Pitch Perfect: How to Get Your Writing Published in Top Publications" and takes you through the steps on how to perfectly pitch yourself to any publication you want, and be successful at it.

I immediately started the course and flew through it (I am a fast reader, fast learner, and I took notes). It's not a difficult course and is filled with a lot of great information. It was information that I didn't find anywhere else.

Elana has so much to teach and I think it's really unique, unlike any advice I've read about trying to get published.

I think what makes this different from other courses/webinars/advice is that if you know Elana, you know she is determined and incredibly smart, but down to earth. She's a realist and understands that people work differently, but I think this course can apply to everyone's strengths.

Nothing in the course is outlandish or undoable -- it's ALL doable.

As my first attempt after finishing this course, I pitched myself to Out of Office NY and got the contributing writer position! I've now written there a handful of times and I've been loving it.

If you are serious about writing and want to make a career out of it, whether as a professional or freelancer, I HIGHLY recommend this course. It has incredibly valuable information and is a great resource to reference whenever you need a motivational push.


Please let me know if you take the course -- I would love to chat about it and see what you thought :)
