Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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How to Get the Perfect Hygge Experience

For the past year, I have been living by a term that makes everything in my life seem peaceful and perfect. That term is hygge which is the Danish term for cozy living. It splashed onto the scene at the end of 2016 and has since made an impact on the wellness and lifestyle industries here in the US.

Hygge is such a major part of Danish living that someone wrote an entire book about it, which I recently finished late last year and I loved every moment of it. It describes what hygge is and how to have the ultimate hygge day. It compares the trend to other countries around the world and it just brought such peace to my mind.

I love nothing more than being cozy and relaxing so to have a term for it now, and for it to be 'on trend' aka socially acceptable makes me a little happier than it really should.

If you've ever experienced the warm coziness of being snuggled up in a blanket, with snow falling outside and a candlelit you've experienced hygge.

It's such an interesting concept and in a world where we are measured by how busy we can be at any given time, it's nice knowing that it's acceptable to take a break.

We're always rushing to do something, to experience something, to get that new job, to start the new side hustle, to experience something, that I don't think a lot of us ever take the time to just relax.

Even me, the queen of relaxing, has trouble with it. My mom always sees me sitting at my desk, typing away on the computer and continually asks "What are you doing?" and when I tell her about a new project I'm working on, she looks at me quizzically and says "Why don't you just put the computer and phone down and watch tv? Just relax"

I pride myself on being able to relax and unwind but after an hour or so, I get very restless and feel like I should be doing something. Then, I wonder why I'm always tired: because my mind, hands, and body are always working, always stressed and always thinking about what is coming next.

I've been trying to cut back, to just relax, at least for a few hours and sometimes it works, other times it doesn't.

However, I do think I am more qualified than most to tell you how to have the perfect hygge experience.

Threshold Blanket
Oil Diffuser
Pinch Provisions Self Care Kit
Diptyque Candle 
Kate Spade Slippers

Below are a few other of my favorite hygge picks!