Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Royal Round Up: Week 8

This was a short week and I'm so happy that it's Friday! I have so many fun, blog/writing/side hustle related things I want to do this weekend and possibly see some friends/do something fun.

I know this next week is going to be hard; next Saturday is the 2 year anniversary of my dad's death and I can already feel the effects it's having on me. Maybe I'll do another post talking about my feelings, but I'm not in the right space to do it at this moment.

I'm currently watching the finale of Bachelor Winter Games, and writing a recap for my new entertainment news website, Breaking Bradshaw! I spoke about it two weeks ago in my round up post but wanted to mention it again.

I'm having SO much fun with it! I don't feel pressure to write, but when I do write I really enjoy it. It's been an amazing experience and I love having something else to put my mind to.

Please check it out if you haven't already, I think if you love entertainment and pop culture, you'll like it! 

There were a lot of good articles this week and one of my goals for the next few weeks is to be more connected to the content I'm consuming. I haven't been reading any news articles, blogs, or fun stuff lately (minus the stuff I share in this post) and I really want to connect to everything. I think that'll help bring my fire, ambition, and inpsiration to the forefront.

Here's what I loved this week:

Here's What You Missed on Royally Pink:
Have a great weekend everyone!