Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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Weekly Wrap Up: Week 44

Boy, what a week! A lot happened and I'm happy to say hello to Friday, the weekend, and almost 1 week until Christmas! I so need a vacation so I can't wait to lay up on my couch for almost two weeks.

Even though the week was hard, I think the blog content was very festive & fun. I really enjoyed writing it so it was nice to see it well received. I wrote all of the posts Saturday night while I watched Christmas movies, sat by the Christmas tree, and as it snowed outside. It felt really good to have things scheduled and not have to worry about it during the week...

Which is why there was no post yesterday. With the crazy, emotionally insane week, I just didn't have the head to sit down and finish a post... but that is usually what happens when I don't have a post go up.

One of the reasons I was nuts this week was because it was my dad's birthday on Sunday, and I really just miss him. Grief is a funny thing and it sneaks up on you... I've written about it once but I feel like it deserves another post, an update on my grief. That's probably the most blogger thing I've ever written but writing helps me in every aspect of life.

This weekend will be a busy one; I have a family reunion of sorts tonight in Manhattan, and then I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning and will head back into the city to go to the Louis Vuitton exhibit which will be so much fun.

I also still need to finish Christmas shopping because it really is sneaking up on me... there is just so much to do and so little time, and so little motivation.

It snowed yesterday too!

Anyways, here are my links for the week:

What You Missed on Royally Pink:
Have a great weekend everyone!