Hi, i'm Briana!
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Welcome to Royally Pink. I'm Briana; I've been running Royally Pink for the past 7 years and have loved every minute of it.

I write about everything from beauty to fashion to mental health to career and book reviews.

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My Low Buy Year | Update #1

It's been about a month and a half since I made a vow to stop impulse shopping in 2020 and I won't lie, it has been really difficult.

The first two weeks of January were a breeze! I felt no desire to shop and loved that I had enough money in my bank account to get me through the days. It was very freeing and I felt amazing. Then, my family was struck with tragedy when my aunt passed away at the age of 53. It was a really hard few weeks; I was sad, anxious, and all over the place. The one thing I wanted to do was shop. When things are hard, that's my crutch.

I resisted because I wanted to buy the Stoney Clover Lane Cozy Collection (which I did) and that was going to wipe out my entire budget for the month. I caved though and gave into my grief; I purchased the Lipstick Pink Lele Sadoughi Velvet Headband for $49, sending my total for the month (with SCL) to $150.

I felt ashamed that I had broken the rules and it was only a few weeks in but I felt justified because I had a reason for shopping. However, that is the behavior I am trying to break -- shopping for an emotional reason. But, in the same breath, retail therapy is a phrase for a reason.

After talking to my friend who loves to shop like I do, and who is very rational and smart, said to just chalk it up and make your budget $150 because truthfully, $100 is nothing.

So, in February I have so far spent $143 and most of that was gone within the first two weeks of the month. I am having a hard time getting through the last few days and already have a list of things I want to buy in March.

I guess my update is that I upped my budget which I can afford because it's still not thousands of dollars. I've resisted a lot of impulse shopping; I've put things in my cart, got to the checkout page and then clicked. To me, that is a win.

The low-buy has been successful so far, I have less stuff and more money. I'm very proud of myself and I know it's only going to get easier as the days go on (I hope!)
